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The ADS-B Status Tool app is a simple utility application for use with the GPS+ADS-B Weather and Traffic Receiver (model XGPS170) from Dual Electronics Corp. The app shows detailed information from the XGPS170 including:
" Whether or not the device is receiving an ADS-B signal
" What kind of ADS-B information is being received
" A graphical view of the weather around your current location
" A graphical view of traffic data being received, if any
" The number of GPS satellites in view and their signal strength
" Your location, or whether the device is still waiting for satellite information
" The battery level of the XGPS170
" Whether or not the XGPS170 is charging

The app also allows device settings to be adjusted, including:
" GPS refresh rate
" Indicator brightness
" Sleep timeout

Installation of this app is optional. The XGPS170 does not require this app to be installed on your iPad in order to work.

Please note:
1) This app is not designed to replace an EFB app on your iPad. It is designed simply as way to confirm the proper operation of the XGPS170.
2) The information provided by this app is for reference only, and should not be used for making critical flight decisions.
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