您的位置:首页 > 苹果首页 > 苹果游戏 > 音乐游戏 > Touch Music
It is a game that applies the jacket from the music.

You can change the country/genre if music settings.

Countries supported the
USA / France / Germany / UK / Austria / Belgium
Finland / Greece / Italy / Luxembourg / Netherlands
Portugal / Spain / Canada / Ireland / Norway
Sweden / Denmark / Switzerland / Japan / Australia
New Zealand / Mexico
Argentina / Bolivia / Brazil / Bulgaria / Chile
Colombia / Costa Rica / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Dominican Republic
Ecuador / El Salvador / Estonia / Guatemala / Honduras
Hungary / Latvia / Lithuania / Malta / Nicaragua
Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Poland / Romania / Slovakia
Slovenia / Venezuela
The 51 countries

- iPhone 5 display support
- new game mode(4x5panels) add (iPhone5 Only)
- bug fix
Touch Music软件截图0
Touch Music软件截图1
Touch Music软件截图2
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