Avery Ching,Aptos 的联合创始人兼首席技术官,近日在OKX Web3 Night活动中现身,揭示了Move语言在Aptos平台上的前沿进展

来源:网络时间:2024-04-12 14:02:48

在Web3领域的一次盛会——OKX Web3 Night上,我们有幸迎来了重量级嘉宾Avery Ching,他不仅是Aptos生态系统的联合创建者,同时担任着CTO的重要角色。Ching的出席为活动增添了一份独特的光彩,他深入浅出地向与会者介绍了Move编程语言在Aptos区块链上的最新动态和未来发展蓝图。Move语言以其独特的优势在智能合约领域崭露头角,而Aptos作为创新的Layer 1解决方案,一直致力于推动其进化,以构建更安全、高效的去中心化应用环境。这次分享无疑为Web3社区带来了宝贵的洞见,激发了人们对未来区块链技术潜力的无限遐想。

Aptos Co-founder 兼 CTO Avery Ching 出席OKX Web3 Night,分享 Move 语言在 Aptos 上的最新发展

aptos co-founder 兼 cto avery ching 出席okx web3 night,分享 move 语言在 aptos 上的最新发展

Avery Ching, the co-founder and CTO of Aptos, recently attended the "OKX Web3 Night" event held in Hong Kong to promote Web3 technology. He highlighted the low latency, scalability, and high performance of Aptos, along with some of its unique features that have contributed to its success in collaboration with other enterprises such as Microsoft, NBC Universal, SK Telecom, and LianTianJi. In addition, Ching also shared about the implementation of Move language in Aptos development and how it has facilitated the integration of 50 million users into the blockchain industry. The event served as a platform to showcase the capabilities of Aptos and its contributions to the advancement of Web3 technology.

以上就是Aptos Co-founder 兼 CTO Avery Ching 出席OKX Web3 Night,分享 Move 语言在 Aptos 上的最新发展的详细内容,更多请关注其它相关文章!

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