
来源:网络时间:2024-06-21 05:05:45

Hey there, super enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of "Superpower Dash"? This epic game just got a whole lot more exciting with the introduction of the Core System - a game-changer for your heroes' power-up journey. Once you hit level 40 in the eighth day of the server, the Gateway to Heroic Cores in the Outskirts opens wide, beckoning you to explore its boundless potential. But hold on, it's not just about unlocking; it's about mastering the art of tackling elemental bosses, optimizing challenges, and maximizing rewards. Imagine harnessing the power of Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth to boost your heroes! With daily chances to conquer, strategic planning, and a dash of luck in the card flip, the Core System promises an adrenaline rush like no other. So, buckle up, because we're about to unravel the intricacies of this electrifying feature that could skyrocket your gameplay. Let's dive in and discover how these cores can transform your heroes from mighty to unstoppable!





郊外 ---- 英雄源核










1、 源核需要英雄达到8星后才可佩戴,能够提升英雄属性,如果是橙色及以上的品质的源核,将提供专属技能。

2、 每个源核根据穿戴英雄职业类型不同还会有额外职业属性。

3、 穿戴指定数量同品质源核,将触发套装效果,进一步提升基础属性。

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