
来源:网络时间:2011-04-28 15:03:21

  Director 8.5支持多种视频格式,包括常用的MOV和AVI视频格式。本节实例将介绍创建AVI播放器,通过控制按钮,可以对AVI进行视频播放、停止、快进、快退等操作。


(1) 进入Director 8.5。执行Modify→Movie→Properties命令,在弹出的舞台属性检查器对话框中将电影舞台的大小设置为500×400,将背景颜色设置为白色,如图7-145所示。

图7-145  设置舞台的属性

(2) 按Ctrl+R组合键,导入12张图片,在Cast窗口中显示,如图7-146所示。

图7-146  导入12张图片

(3) 按Ctrl+R组合键,在Import窗口导入AVI电影,单击OK按钮,在弹出的Select Format对话框中选择AVI格式,如图7-147所示。

图7-147  导入AVI电影

(4) 将Cast演员“动画”拖动到舞台上,调整其大小与位置,生成精灵1,效果如图7-148所示。

图7-148  生成精灵1

cad width=245>

图7-151  第2帧的Lingo脚本

(8) 选中舞台上的精灵2,单击右键,在快捷菜单中选择Script命令,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-152所示。

on mouseUp me

  set the movietime of sprite 1 to 0

  set the movierate of sprite 1 to 0

  set the castnum of sprite 2 to member("lad")

  set the castnum of sprite 3 to member("ld")

  set the castnum of sprite 4 to member("playu")

  set the castnum of sprite 5 to member("stopd")

  set the castnum of sprite 6 to member("ru")

  set the castnum of sprite 7 to member("rau")



图7-152  精灵2的Lingo脚本

(9) 选中舞台上的精灵3,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-153所示。

on mouseUp me

    set the castnum of sprite 2 to member("lau")

    set the castnum of sprite 3 to member("ld")

    set the castnum of sprite 4 to member("playu")

    set the castnum of sprite 5 to member("stopu")

    set the castnum of sprite 6 to member("ru")

    set the castnum of sprite 7 to member("rau")


  set the movierate of sprite 1 to–2


图7-153  精灵3的脚本

(10) 选中舞台上的精灵4,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-154所示。

on mouseUp me

  set the movierate of sprite 1 to 1

  set the castnum of sprite 2 to member("lau")

  set the castnum of sprite 3 to member("lu")

  set the castnum of sprite 5 to member("stopu")

  set the castnum of sprite 6 to member("ru")

  set the castnum of sprite 7 to member("rau")


图7-154  精灵4的Lingo脚本

(11) 选中舞台上的精灵5,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-155所示。

on mouseUp me

  if (the castnum of sprite 7 = 8) then

    set the movietime of sprite 1 to the duration of the member of sprite 1

    set the castnum of sprite 2 to member("lau")

    set the castnum of sprite 3 to member("lu")

    set the castnum of sprite 4 to member("playd")

    set the castnum of sprite 5 to member("stopu")

    set the castnum of sprite 6 to member("rd")

    set the castnum of sprite 7 to member("rad")


  end if


图7-155  精灵5的Lingo脚本

(12) 选中舞台上的精灵6,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-156所示。

on mouseUp me

  set the movierate of sprite 1 to 2

  set the castnum of sprite 2 to member("lau")

  set the castnum of sprite 3 to member("lu")

  set the castnum of sprite 4 to member("playu")

  set the castnum of sprite 5 to member("stopu")

  set the castnum of sprite 6 to member("rd")

  set the castnum of sprite 7 to member("rau")



图7-156  精灵6的Lingo脚本

(13) 选中舞台上的精灵7,打开Script窗口为其添加以下的Lingo语句,如图7-157所示。

on mouseUp me

  if (the castnum of sprite 5 = 12) then

    set the movierate of sprite 1 to 0

    set the castnum of sprite 5 = member("stopd")


  end if


图7-157  精灵7的Lingo脚本

(14) 至此,AVI播放器动画的制作完成了,播放电影,效果如图7-158所示。

图7-158  AVI播放器播放效果

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