泰拉瑞亚专家入住条件 泰拉瑞亚专家怎么出现

来源:泰拉瑞亚时间:2021-06-01 18:06:27



  泰拉瑞亚手游爆破专家介绍NPC ID











  "Dynamite, my own special cure-all for what ails ya."炸药,专属于我的烦恼特效药。

  "Explosives are da' bomb these days. Buy some now!"今天的爆裂物就是那些炸弹,快买一些吧!

  "Why purify the world when you can just blow it up?" (Only if Dryad is present.)当你能直接炸毁这世界时为什么要净化他?(只有当森林精灵存活时)

  "It's a good day to die!"今天真适合去死!

  "I'm sure [Name of Nurse] will help you if you accidentally lose a limb to these." (Only if Nurse is present.)如果你意外的失去一条胳膊我很确定[护士的名字]会帮你(只有当护士存活时

  "I wonder what happens if I... (BOOM!)... Oh, sorry, did you need that leg?"我很好奇会发生什么事当我...(砰!)...ㄜ,抱歉,你需要这些腿吗?

  "Even [Name of Arms Dealer] wants what I'm selling!" (Only if Arms Dealer is present)甚至连[军火商的名字]都想要我的货!(只有当军火商存活时

  "Would you rather have a bullet hole or a grenade hole? That's what I thought." (Only if Arms Dealer is present.)我在想你宁愿身上有弹孔还是被手雷炸个洞?(只有当军火商存活时)

  "Check out my goods; they have explosive prices!"看看我的好东西,他们都有爆炸性的价格!


  "NO SMOKING IN HERE!!"这里禁烟!!!

  "If you throw this one in the bathtub and close all the windows, it'll clear your sinuses and pop your ears!"如果你丢这个进浴缸里然后关上所有窗户,他会清除你的烦恼顺便炸掉你的耳朵!

  "Wanna play Fuse Chicken?"想玩保险丝小鸡吗?

  "Hey, could you sign this Griefing Waiver?" (Referring to the gaming term, "griefing," which means to ruin an opposing player's house)嘿,你可以在切结书上签名吗?


  "I've got something for them zombies alright!"我帮这些僵尸准备了一些东西

  "Hey, have you seen a clown around?" (Indirectly references that Clowns throw explosives)嘿,你有在附近看到小丑吗(间接的参考小丑丢爆裂物的动作)

  "There was a bomb sitting right here, and now I can't seem to find it..." (Possible reference to Clowns carrying bombs)之前有个炸弹坐在那里的,现在我好像找不到他了...



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